Storehouse helps people who are need who live in the borough of Melton. Anyone is welcome to visit Storehouse when we are open to have a cup of tea and something to eat, but if you need a food bag, clothing or something for your home you will need to be referred by a local agency.
Here are some answers to some questions you might have if you have not been to Storehouse before;
I need some help from Storehouse, how do I get referred? Lots of places in Melton refer people to Storehouse. Our main referrers are Melton Borough Council, MADMAC, Adult social care, social services, Citizens Advice or you could speak to a support worker if you have one. These referrers will assess your situation over the phone or in person and fill out a referral form for you.
What happens when I have been given a referral form? Once you have been referred you will either be given a form by an agency which you can bring with you on your first visit or it will be emailed directly to us. You can then visit us during our opening times and we will do our best to help you. You will then have a confidential meeting with someone so that they can talk to you about what help you need.
What can I expect when I go to Storehouse? You can expect to be made to feel very welcome and be given a hot drink and some food if you want some. The staff here are friendly and happy to listen to you.
Where do all the food and clothes come from? All of the food and clothes come from local people who have donated the items to help people who are finding things difficult and struggling financially.